The Far Reaches

“THE FAR REACHES” film follows the journey of passionate outdoorsman and angler, Michael Lang, on his mission to capture large Barramundi on surface lures in North Queensland, Australia. On his pursuit of achieving his goal, Mick will meet with professional angler Ryan Tully, and the two of them will become immersed in the stunning beauty and untamed wildlife of North Queensland, Australia. “The Far Reaches” actively displays sustainable fishing practices, including catch and release and correct handling of the species, in hopes to educate and inform viewers. NOTE: Please view this film in 4K Resolution and with quality headphones/speakers, to appreciate the lengthy efforts that have gone into the audio engineering, SFX and visuals, and to fully immerse yourself in the film. Were ecstatic to be a part of the Nomad AFC and thank you for your consideration, The Far Reaches team

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